Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Baby...oh Baby

After this week, after having my hand wrapped around a heart and now last night, having delivered a baby, finding the slope of a line seems pretty insignifigant. mx+b=I don't give a damn. As long as I can calculate the correct dose of dopamine, the inequality doesn't really matter. But anyways, thats another post.

A baby was delivered last night. Now when we got there baby was already out, the cord just needed to be cut. I think God looks out for me and my partner when we work, because, knock on wood, I have never had a newborn in distress. I whole-heartly believe in the statement "God never puts anything in front of us that we cannot handle" and a dying baby is something I don't know if I could handle, at least not on the streets. Maybe in the hospital where I am responsible for nothing and we have whole teams that come down to help with the catching of the babies. But this child was pink, active, not quite crying as strongly as I would hope, but still in no obvious distress, other than being a bit on the cold side. We dod our best in the field with what we have. And of course the heart monitor leads and SPO2 wouldn't stick to the little thing. But I just reverted back to actually physicaly laying my hands and stethescope on the babe. Good strong HR and respiratory effort. APGAR of, well honestly I couldn't remember how to score, but the kid looked good, and I remembered from Paramedic school, nobody gets afull ten at the five minute score, so I gave him a 8. sometaken off for not crying much, and blue finger tips. But he scored much better the second go 'round. He got a 10 then, he was pink, loud, perfect. Even though he was a month early accoding to mom, still 5lbs 9oz and pretty healty.

This is why I love my job. Where else could I touch a heart on night and bear witness to a birth all within 46 hours. This really is the coolest job on earth.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Just think, you MIGHT have had a job sitting at a desk in a cubicle working 9-5 and hoping no one takes your sack lunch out of the fridge.

But, no. You chose to be out there, ready to help. The kind of person who rushes into a building as everyone else is pouring out in panic.

You had some doubts recently and wavered. Glad you're back on the street. We need you there. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know.


painter in hiding said...

thanks chuck. Its home, its were I belong