Friday, April 06, 2007

First Night

First night back after 5 months of recovery. Foot held up nicely. Only needed one dose of Aleve to calm the screaming bones, and only limped a couple of times, mostly when we stayed still for longer than 30 min. Took about 10 min to work all the kinks out. Which was well, twice in 12 hours. Had 8 calls and one wild goose chase though an apartment complex looking for what turned out to be an imaganary friend of one of the residents. The voices in her head told her that someone had been stabbed. It took 45 mins of looking for this person before us and PD figured it out that she was basicly talking to herself. Ah the joys of urban EMS. I slowly caught on the the new ways the radios worked (we went to digital 3-4 months ago) and working the AVLs. I figured out very quickly that I need to build my muscles back up when I tried to put the stretcher back into the truck fully loaded with a 300 lb patient. And I also need to clean up my now rusty IV skills so I don't turn my poor patients into a human pin cushion. (I did get one, and he was a tough stick) But everyone was right, it's like driving a car (or riding a bicycle) you don't really forget. You just are out of practice. But... I still felt like a new EMT. I drove a bit, running code once or twice, trying really hard not to throw my partner around the back. All and All an pretty tame night back. Now I'm off to bed so that I can do it all again tonight.


chucker said...

Glad your first night back went well and you're feeling up to snuff again. I feel a little bit safer knowing you - a caring professional - are back on the streets. Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. We missed you.


AlexD said...

Painter Medic,

Glad to see that 5 months off of the truck has you itching to go back. Hey I have been a medic for 20 and when I was off for 6 months because of major surgery the sense of speed scared me.
