Friday, October 02, 2009

I have been neglecting my little space of the interwebs. I don't know if has been writer's block or school or work but It's been to long. I had a bit of a breakdown at work. I think it was a mix of lack of sleep and taking on too much schoolwise. Art school, contrary to what you might think, is not easy. Creativity is something you either have or you don't and you can't switch it on and off. When it's on, baby it's on, but when it's's off. So I had two weeks off from work, concentrated on my art for two weeks, cleaned my apartment, uncluttered my mind and started over.

I came back to work much better. Back to The City. I love The City at night. The characters, I have my regulars, like one who calls because "the shadows are smoking crack and makes me short of breath" I know which addresses are sick, which are not sick, which are crazy, which just want someone to talk to, which need the police to come with me. I love walking up and even though we were called to a nosebleed I hear, "Man just shut up and let EMS look at you, You got a stab wound in you damn chest..." So I am back, back to work. Both medically and creatively.