Sunday, January 08, 2006

sorry so long

Mailboxes on the island

Well I know it's been a while since my last post. And too be quite honest I really have nothing to post. Except for some photographs. I have been playing with my new camera every day I'm off. I have filled up three memory cards with images. Work has been very busy. But busy with stupid bullshit. No life saving. No putting into practice the new AHA's CPR guidelines. I haven't even started a line in the new year. I have however put more insurance seeking people on backboards from lame MVAs. I did make the call to cut up a beautiful brand new Mustang. A Brand new Mustange with ZERO damage. All because the bitch driving it was SCREAMING like a FUCKING banchee that her back hurt everytime she moved. We could not get her out of the car other wise. So not only did I make the call to pop the door off, we rolled the roof too. I never felt such satifaction as I did watching rescue demolish that car. The look of horror on the police officers' faces when I said "I need the door and roof gone" I think spoke for every male on that scene.


Pirate's Courtyard

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great set of pics. Perhaps I could try flicker so I could show you some of mine.
