Thursday, December 01, 2005

If I offend you, you can keep it to yourself.


Oh happy days...Five days actually. I have a stretch of five days off. Five days to do nothing. And that is exactly what I'm going to do, because after my five days I have to go back and spend the next three weeks in uniform. I have a shitload of OT coming up to help pay off the credit cards bills I'm going to rack up in the next few weeks. Three weeks of the sick and stupid. Though works recently has been uneventful. Last shift consisted of three calls, a respiratory, a "I think I had a seizure and a hypocondriac. Her chronicfibromialgiafatiguesydromedisorder was acting up. This woman had more chief complaints than a CHFer having an MI with a CVA just for kicks. She was weak, dizzy, had tunneling vision, with black spots, couldn't move her ring finger on her right had, her legs felt funny, she couldn't fill her lungs all the way, chest tightness and had kidney pain and that was just the list she gave me. She had a whole new list for the hospital. The list of meds she was on was a page and a half long. I've had cancer patients on less stuff, she was a walking pharmacopoeia. Nobody should be on that many Meds. Drugs for her pain ,her hypertension, her heart, her lungs. Drugs to counteract the side effects of the other drugs and then more pills the counteract the ones she takes to counteract side effects. A never ending circle of action/reaction. Why? really why? And they were all prescribed by different doctors. She had to have been under the care of six different doctors for a disease that modern medicine doesn't even know if it exsits. Come on, if you are going to summoned an ambulance at 0230 al least let it be for a real disease. Like a pseudo-seizure.

I have a show coming up this weekend. I am going to be selling some of my photographs is a local arts show alongside of my mama. My mom is a jewelry designer and makes her own glass beads. So together we are hopefully going to make some cash for Christmas. AKA "Holiday" No longer in The Holy City is Christmas to be referred to under any circumstances as "Christmas". It has not been replaced by the more politically correct term as "Holiday" No longer does the local Lowes sell Christmas trees, they are to be renamed Holiday trees. Because Christmas has now become offensive. Now I have several friends who are Orthodox Jews. They have different stories, games and traditions. I'm not offended by the lighting of the Menorah. I am not offended by the different prayers they say in Hebrew. But all of a sudden the Christian story of the birth of Christ has become offensive. Christian children are no longer able to act out the Christmas story or decorate a Christmas tree. Santa has become a fat evil elf. The Three Wise Men have been fired. My roommate works in a local store that had a "Merry Christmas" sign outside by the trees. The store was made to take the sign down because a man came in and furiously demanded that it be removed because he found it offensive. IT'S A SIGN PEOPLE! BY THE CHRISTMAS TREES!
When did this change? When did the season stop being about family, friends and celebration?


Anonymous said...

I hate fibromyalgia. It's a cop out DX for docs who are sick of listening to pts. complain about clusters of vague symptoms. How come most of these people are obese and inactive?


painter in hiding said...

Oh me too. It's a pandemic here in SC. I think I have more FM pt than pts with real diseases. We apparently are a very lazy state.

Anonymous said...

Any chance you can post a pic or two of your mom's jewelry?
BTW...I'm not very PC. I was raised to treat everyone with respect and respect their particular cultural traditions. I've never been offended when Hannukha or Ramadan has been celebrated by others. Do you think the stores that sell those unique candle holders will begin to refer to them as "Holiday Menorahs"?

painter in hiding said...

I can post some of the jewels.

Lord, I hope not. Menorahs are unique to that culture, just as the tree is unique to mine. I don't storm into stores demanding they take the kwanza cards off the shevles because I don't understand.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing some jewel pics.


Stacey said...

I love how all these people preach about equality and tolerence.
Can you say hypocritical?